Details of current fees available on request.


10% discount for second and subsequent children (both Clubs)

  • Morning sessions include breakfast
  • Afternoon sessions include a cooked meal with pudding
  • No upfront payment
  • Last minute bookings available
  • Bookings freely changeable within each week (subject to two full working weeks’ notice of cancellation).



As all staff allocations have to be planned well in advance, all known absences must be notified at least two full working weeks beforehand.

Late Collections/Early Arrivals

A standard full day is a 9 hour session between 8am and 5pm. We have a limited number of places to vary this period before 8am and after 5pm, but strictly on a pre-arranged basis only at £8 per hour or part thereof. Unarranged late collections and early arrivals will be charged at £15 per quarter hour or part thereof.



1 Fees for booked places are payable in advance, unless two full working weeks’ notice is given in writing, subject to the exceptions below.

2 Unarranged late collections and early arrivals will be automatically charged at £15 per quarter hour or part thereof.

3 By concession, fees may be accepted in arrears at the discretion of the Company. This concession may be withdrawn by the Company at any time without assigning a reason. The application of this concession does not create a precedent and, in particular, can never override para 1 above.

4 Where the concession above is in operation, fees not paid by the last Friday in the month of attendance may be subject to administrative charges at the rate of £10 for balances over £10 and at £25 for balances of £100 or more. Charges are repeated at the same rates where fees are still outstanding by the 15th of the month following attendance and continue twice monthly until the account, including charges, is cleared.

In addition, fees not paid within thirty days of the invoice date may be subject to interest at the statutory rate of 8% per annum and incur administrative charges for related correspondence. Recovery costs will also be charged should third party collection be required.

5 Exception 1 – Holidays
a) For the Nursery and Out of School Club, we are happy to keep your child’s place open for two of your ‘normal’ weeks of attendance in any academic calendar year without charge. This means that, if for example, your child normally attends two full days per week, up to four days of absence on holiday is allowed in each calendar year.

The ‘holiday year’ starts at the beginning of September (the first Monday of the week which includes the 1st of September): if your child starts or leaves during the calendar year, then the allowance is reduced proportionately. The holiday allowance cannot be carried over from one year to the next and is not available in lieu of notice.

6 Exception 2 – Sickness
Notice of absence is not required in the following circumstances:
a) Where your child requires emergency medical treatment.
b) Where your child develops an infectious or contagious illness and you keep the child at home and this is confirmed by a medical certificate which must state the period for which the child should not attend.
c) Where we send the child home on medical grounds including as a preventative measure.
d) For either a) or b) above, please advise us as soon as practicable.

7 Exception 3 – Force Majeure – including inclement weather and failure of essential service supplies etc

a) Out of School Club
Where the School informs us officially, during working hours, of a closure the next day, there will be no charges for pre-booked sessions not used on the day(s) of closure. Where a closure is notified during the working day, or after working hours, so that it is not possible to change the staff rota, then there will be a one-third rebate on charges on the day(s) of closure.
b) Nursery
Where we inform you, during working hours, of a closure the next day, there will be no charges for pre-booked sessions not used. Where a closure is notified during the working day, there will be a one-third rebate on charges for pre-booked sessions not used on the day(s) of closure.

8 Exception 4 – exclusion
Where we exclude your child for any reason, either temporarily or permanently, there will be no charge for pre-booked sessions not used.

9 Exception 5 – general
In the event that we have to close the Nursery for any other reason, we will transfer your booking to a mutually acceptable alternative date. If there is no suitable alternative, there will be no charge for pre-booked sessions not used.

10 Exception 6 – Leavers – Two full working weeks’ notice must be given in writing and all outstanding fees must be paid before a child finally leaves the nursery.

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